Led Zeppelin Red Carpet


So, last night at the premier of the Led Zeppelin movie in London, guess who found herself walking down the red carpet into the theatre? Yep, it was rather amazing. My first time to truly take in the fame game at this level. Lets just say I was rather glad they weren't aiming the camera's at me! Kinda scary, really. It was surreal, wonderful, and most importantly, the Zeppelin movie is brilliant. LOVED IT. More pictures on the way, when they get sent to me I will post them. I snapped this one on the way in...crazy night!

Aarhus, Denmark Concert Review


Last night I played my first show in Denmark, in a beautiful town called Aarhus. After sleeping off a killer dose of jet lag most of the day, I woke up in the afternoon excited to play some music. We got to the club and had an easy soundcheck, grabbed a quick curry, and I took the stage. I was thrilled to see a large crowd in front of me, on a Monday night, my first time to play in Denmark. The people were with me, my hands felt strong in the neck of the guitar, and my voice did what I asked it to all night long. It was a fantastic start to a three week tour whose purpose is to kick off the release of my new CD, LIVE at Bluerock. I consider the project officially kicked off! Thank you to all the great folks who came out to see the show, I appreciate it. And thanks to Morten Larsen with Denmark's largest magazine, Gaffa.dk, who gave us such a wonderful REVIEW—6 out of 6 stars. Onward!

—Photo by David Bust

Tom Waits, thank you.


I am deeply flattered to have been played by Tom Waits when he guest hosted Lucky Ocean's Radio show in Australia. This makes me feel so good I wanna jump up and down and tell every stranger I see walking down the street TOM WAITS played a song off of Mercy Now right next to ELVIS on his radio show. A feel good moment? You better believe it.