American Songwriter: 4 out of 5 stars


American Songwriter gives Live At The Blue Rock 4 out of 5 stars...

This may seem like a counter-intuitive thing to say, but it’s good for Mary Gauthier’s audience that she has real limitations as a singer. Her awareness that her vocal instrument isn’t the most supple one in the world has compelled her to cultivate a rich palette of unconventional vocal shadings, textures and tones, which is part of what makes her such a gripping storyteller.

Despite the fact that Live At Blue Rock contains songs that have already appeared on five of Gauthier’s six studio albums, these renditions feel very different than those she laid down in the studio. This time around, the Louisiana-born, Nashville-based singer-songwriter had people right there in the room with her – the venue is an artists’ ranch in Wimberley, Texas – and their presence makes a palpable difference. You can tell they were on the receiving end of a fiercely focused performance.

Gauthier rejects mainstream entertainment values, the showy mastery, perkiness and polish that aim at providing musical diversion and courting mass popularity. Hers is a confrontational art, especially in a live setting. She directs attention to the unsettling side of contemporary American society, not only by making executed murderers, unrepentant alcoholics and troubled teenage adoptees her lead characters, but by telling their stories in such strenuous, committed fashion.

There’s a penetrating potency to Gauthier’s delivery of these songs, as though she’s daring somebody to challenge her on whether or not the people she chooses to sing about are worthy of attention, and whether she’s really telling the truth about the desperation of their outsider existences. Such a visceral style of performance isn’t typically thought of in terms of virtuosity, but that’s a quality her storytelling often possesses all the same.

Gauthier seems the least invested in introspection about romantic relationships – which is many a modern songwriters’ bread and butter – and when she does go there in her writing, it doesn’t tend to pack quite the punch of her other narrative-unfurling and scene-setting. There are also three Fred Eaglesmith covers in this set, but none of those performances top what she does with her own songs.

Gauthier speaks her lyrics just as often as she sings them, and she uses the contrast between those vocalizations to convey a lot. As she picks up steam during the surging, impressionistic number “Blood Is Blood,” she eventually reaches a point where she intones the song’s title – underscoring how taken-for-granted that three-word statement is – before moaning “Blood don’t wash away” with a high, held-out note, a leap that captures the peculiar pain of being cut off from any and all blood relations. She’s marked off where cozy normalcy ends and isolating idiosyncrasy begins, and the latter standpoint is amplified by Tania Elizabeth’s searingly surreal contributions on fiddle. During the waltz-time number “Karle Faye,” Gauthier sings tenderly of the addict-turned-death row inmate and reserves all her bite for the mercilessness of capital punishment. She performs her snapshot of the alcoholic experience, “I Drink,” with filigreed finger-picking, and sets up the most telling line in the bridge with a pause that plays the speaker’s stubbornness to the hilt; after saying “I don’t,” she waits a full six beats before hissing “give a damn.”

Gauthier’s wry sense of humor is most clearly displayed during “Drag Queens In Limousines” a woozy, explicitly autobiographical waltz that pokes fun at her utter inability to fit in growing up. Musically, she gets the most playful during the album’s funky-folkie final track, “Wheel Inside The Wheel.” She spends the verses colorfully cataloging characters in an otherworldly Mardi Gras scene, but at the chorus she turns into a knowing, nimble blueswoman, moaning here, syncopating there and sounding intensely cool throughout.

Gauthier puts on a show, all right, but it’s not the sort of entertainment that casts the audience in a passive role. Of those who show up – and a devoted bunch they are – she demands engagement, and rewards it.     - American Songwriter: By 



I just got this wonderful photo from an 8-year-old fan named Ciara, sporting her new Mercy Now T-Shirt, Dog Tag and Necklace and "Live From Blue Rock" CD that she got in time for the last night of Hannukah. Thank you, Ciara, for your smile. It circled right back to me.

CD Baby Success Story


Thank you CD Baby!  I am a proud client of CD Baby, have been for over 12 years.

They have been great to work with, they treat musicians with respect and they always pay on time. Whats not to love? Thanks for featuring me as one of your success stories.

(the rest of the story is HERE)




Back on The Road, Again


Hey ya'll, I am on the road again, but not before breaking bread in Nashville with some of my favorite people in the world. Beth Nielson Chapman, John Prine, Sara Seskind and Bonnie Raitt. Sure is great living in music city....Inspirational to be sitting with so many great artists in a room.

I am touring in the deep South right now. We played in Knoxville, Birmingham Alabama and Jackson Mississippi this week, and this weekend we will be in New Orleans and Lafayette. I am touring with Scott Nolan and Joanna Miller from Winnipeg, Manitoba, and we're have a great time out here. Joanna is a fantastic drummer, and Scott's playing piano and guitar, it's a rocking little combo and I hope to keep it going for a while. Here's a nice stage shot from Knoxville, at The Square Room.

In other news, we've added digital downloads to my web site, so all of my CD's can be purchased digitally here, LOOK OUT I TUNES! I figured we'd offer it as a convenience, since so many of us listen to music in a digital format it just makes sense for me to put downloads up next to the CD's.

Well, American Thanksgiving is nearly here,I've been asked for the recipe for the garlic bread we used to serve at my old restaurant, The Dixie Kitchen. So when I get off the road on Monday, I will dig it up and post it here. Maybe a couple other ones too, we had a way with certain things that people still ask about. Lemme see what I've got in my files, I'll pop some great ones up soon. I found this shot, online, of the front of the place...Sure has been a long time! I used to live there, 12 hours a day most days. Gotta say, I prefer the musical road I am travelling now. But the Dixie Kitchen was a great run, ten years of cooking full on Cajun Cuisine for the good folks of Boston. Glad to have done it, glad it is done!

UK/Europe Tour Wraps Up


It was a wonderful three weeks out there on the road, I am tired but didn't want to see it end. From the start, it was one for the ages. Kicked it off with my first time in Denmark, and wrapped it up in Haarlem, the beautiful Dutch city that Harlem, NY, was named after.

Standout's on this tour include the two lovely breakfast's in the sweet hotel in Aarhus, Denmark, performing at the maximum security psychiatric hospital's chapel in Trondheim Norway, playing the Townes Van Zandt tribute festival in Figino Sreanza, Italy and of course the FOOD in Italy.

The wonderful spirit of Ben Glover, who accompanied me and made the adventure so much more fun by joining me on the journey, got a little pale at the end.

I am home for two weeks, and then off again, more travel ahead. As always!

Performing at Italy's Townes Van Zandt Tribute


Someone captured my performance with their iphone video on Oct. 21, 2012. I was performing with Fulvio A.T. Renzi & Michele Gazich, playing "Last Of The Hobo Kings" at the Townes Van Zandt Tribute Figino Serenza, in Como Italy. What a night it was.

I am so happy to have this little homemade document of the evening I was blessed to play with these two amazing Italian violinists!

Here's the video of Townes' song "Nothin'" that we performed:

Led Zeppelin Red Carpet


So, last night at the premier of the Led Zeppelin movie in London, guess who found herself walking down the red carpet into the theatre? Yep, it was rather amazing. My first time to truly take in the fame game at this level. Lets just say I was rather glad they weren't aiming the camera's at me! Kinda scary, really. It was surreal, wonderful, and most importantly, the Zeppelin movie is brilliant. LOVED IT. More pictures on the way, when they get sent to me I will post them. I snapped this one on the way in...crazy night!

Aarhus, Denmark Concert Review


Last night I played my first show in Denmark, in a beautiful town called Aarhus. After sleeping off a killer dose of jet lag most of the day, I woke up in the afternoon excited to play some music. We got to the club and had an easy soundcheck, grabbed a quick curry, and I took the stage. I was thrilled to see a large crowd in front of me, on a Monday night, my first time to play in Denmark. The people were with me, my hands felt strong in the neck of the guitar, and my voice did what I asked it to all night long. It was a fantastic start to a three week tour whose purpose is to kick off the release of my new CD, LIVE at Bluerock. I consider the project officially kicked off! Thank you to all the great folks who came out to see the show, I appreciate it. And thanks to Morten Larsen with Denmark's largest magazine,, who gave us such a wonderful REVIEW—6 out of 6 stars. Onward!

—Photo by David Bust

Tom Waits, thank you.


I am deeply flattered to have been played by Tom Waits when he guest hosted Lucky Ocean's Radio show in Australia. This makes me feel so good I wanna jump up and down and tell every stranger I see walking down the street TOM WAITS played a song off of Mercy Now right next to ELVIS on his radio show. A feel good moment? You better believe it.